The man who knows everything knows nothing,
The man who knows something is less than nothing,
The man who knows nothing, knows everything,
The man who is nothing is everything
Knowing does not end in everything
Since everything came from nothing

The All-knowing who created everything from nothing,
Knows the one who is nothing,
He gave him everything.
Everything was made for him and through him
He is one with the all-knowing
The all-knowing is in him

The man, who knows nothing, will be given everything.
Until he comes to know that everything means nothing,
He himself will become nothing
His share of everything will be given to him
By the one who was given everything
And united with the all-knowing

The man who knows everything will come to know nothing,
He too will understand everything is nothing
And being nothing is everything
Indeed he will become nothing
His share is with one who was given everything
And finally one with the all-knowing

The man, who knows something,
will come to know everything
And that everything amounts to nothing
He too will become nothing
And will get his share of everything
From the one who is nothing, but was given everything
Then all will be one with the all-knowing.

Everything is really nothing
And knowing is above nothing
Designed for man to come to know, then inherit everything
But first, he has to amount to nothing
The key to the master plan of the all knowing
For man to co-inherit everything

All becoming one with Him, the All-knowing,
Witnessed by everything, below and above nothing,
And by everything within nothing
The cause and effect created by, the All-knowing.
Who designed everything, from nothing
Forever, knowing and forever loving.